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Doggy Boggy Super Durable All Natural Organic Dog Toys

100% Organic Hemp Product
The home of safe and natural 100% hemp dog toys.
Click on the thumbnails to see our products...
   Hemp Mega Rope Bone Dog Toy   Hemp Super Tug-n-Chew Dog Toy

An Eco-Friendly Product

Because of the height of the foliage and planting density hemp thrives without the use of fertilizers or herbicides. An industrial hemp crop will virtually eliminate all existing weeds. Farmers can rotate hemp crops with other crops to dramatically reduce their overall dependence on herbicides. Hemp fibers can easily be processed into useful materials without the use of chemicals resulting in none of the toxic by-products typically created during the production of other materials.

The dense green foliage of hemp fields absorb large amounts of carbon products in the atmosphere.

Made in the USA

Copyright © 2008 Doggy Boggy, Columbus, Ohio